
Adtech Pharma, Inc.

Robert Kupper

Robert Kupper, PhD

President and CEO

Robert Kupper, PhD, is Adtech’s President and CEO, and was formerly with the National Institute of Health, WR Grace, Hercules, Rhodes Technologies, and Rhodes Pharmaceuticals.

Lex Adjei

Lex Adjei, PhD

Vice President of Research and Development

Lex Adjei, PhD, is Adtech’s Vice President of R&D and was formerly with AbbVie, Kos Pharmaceuticals and Rhodes Pharmaceuticals.

Ping Chang

Ping Chang, PhD

Vice President of Operations

Ping Chang, PhD, is Adtech’s Vice President of Operations and was formerly with Pfizer, Schering Plough, Merck, Rhodes Technologies, and Rhodes Pharmaceuticals.

Iok-Hou Pang

Iok-Hou Pang, PhD

Vice President of Product Development

Iok-Hou Pang, PhD, is Adtech’s Vice President of Product Development, and was formerly with Alcon, Novartis, and is the founding chair of the University of North Texas School of Pharmacy.